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Im fuckin' in love with this game, thumbs up 



(1 edit)

nice. a windows version. might get it running on my mac now without a virtual machene ;)


The windows version has not the second level or is an error? Btw, Great game! I really like the music.


So good.


this is very great and i really want more 

i am very bad at the second song

the music is very great :)

same lol

I'm having this weird issue. For some reason some notes just aren't showing up? Specifically the long notes. I can't see them.


Great game! Will this game have support for remapping controls in the future (in case I want to play it on a USB dance pad)?


definitely gonna have dance pad support


Thanks! Looking forward to it :)


you can use joy2key right now


ermmm did u hack to make this game...? cause this game TOO GOOD TO BE REAL.......


u can see entire progress on Github commit timeline, I swear it all just over da weekend babyyyy


swag meter going up yo


this is great


this is fire thooo,also can you make a dif song to play

there should be at least 2, but if u beat the 1st level and there's only one, then oops!


Really good DDR game! My fingers needed the work out XD





HOT DAMN! This is freaking tasty! I'd love to see this continued!


damn right we gotchu

this is so good i love it so much, the responsiveness, art, funky music, everything

Striaght Funkin', I really love how the charecters move in the direction of the input key and the music is really good

Super stoked to see how this comes along in the future. Keep it up!

i like the voice and the dad's face. cool game.

might wanna mention the volume controls. I muted the game and spent forever trying to unmute it (0=mute, +=up, -=down)

I was using arrow keys and had no idea i accidentally bumped Num0

Please help i cannot stop playing this


this fits the theme PERFECTLY because im stuck in a loop of playing it, please make more!

I thought the demo was quite wonderful, Took me a few tries but I managed to complete it. Looking forward to what's to come.

boy I didn't have a clue did I. 

This is a cool game! Definitely sticking around to see what it turns into!


yyeah thats kinda cool and good you have to press the enter key to start it doesn't state that anywhere but you have to press the enter key


omg thanks for posting this I thought I was stuck at a loading screen this entire time

My first thought was that the title screen looping WAS the game. And I needed to break out of it. Then I read the description and started trying keys.


plleeeease make this a full game

alright sure im in the mood


so fucn good

The characterization and aesthetics of the game really come into play, although there are some problems of timing with the music and the inputs, that didn't stop me from having fun. Tight!

(1 edit)

You used elements of my two fav rhythm games and made something amazing! Definitely looking forward to a full game!

I love the music! We need more story and characters and songs, keep up the great work. One thing Id say is theres some glitch happening during the second song with the camera jittering suddenly


Chill vibe. I love it

Yo this is pretty fuckin' rad! 

We obviously need more, this is addicting


Responds pretty perfectly on beat. 5/5 can't wait to see more!

mad good

SO COOOOL it plays super smoothly too i love it so much yall knocked it out of the PARK

I'm in love with this game


please make more of this if you have time! this is so charismatic... i love the girl in the back


honestly, this is pretty neat, awesome song and animations, gameplay itself could use some tweaking but it's really good still, 5/5!


Love the songs, love the art, love DDR. I guess my one issue was that sometimes fast movements didn't seem to register but other than that, damn do I wish this was a full thing. A whole rhythm game just for beat boxin tunes

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