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(1 edit)

this game is so silly. 69/10

¿Does anyone know how to reset the options for Friday Night Funkin?
, I've been having a problem where it won't let me do anything, because I moved something and made some combinations of the same keys and I want to reset the options

Go to AppData/Roaming/FunkinCrew. Delete Funkin1.sol to reset everything.


(2 edits) (-1)

please add re-skins for erect mode

is fnf a virus on mac? cause when i tried installing on mac it just gave me scary gate keeper warnings, help pls.

Deleted 6 days ago

would be funny as hell if they just said "yknow fuck mac users" tho

i still dont trust fnf....


nah its completely safe, just right click on the .app then click open then open again. alot of people played fnf on mac so its safe bud

is there a fix for the freeplay immediately crashing yet? apparently newgrounds works but you cant import your save and it takes way too long to load

(1 edit) (+2)

I gotta say, at first I was really disappointed. I was expecting something bigger (even if this is only the demo,) close to some of the newer mods even. Most Erect remixes just sounded worse, and the inputs felt horrible. BUT THEN I TRIED THE MODS. I've played this game before. I've used mods. I've even made a few of my own. But this, this just feels so... FRESH. I can't even explain it, it just feels so new and convenient. A few glitches and crashes here and there, but overall good game. 8/10.

its very fun and kind of hard

(1 edit)

I'm experiencing an issue where upon saving controller inputs in the keybind settings, my game start randomly "not responding" upon opening the game, every time. 

After a while, the game will then proceed to load open, but then once you load into a song and hit the notes, the frames will drop down to about 55 FPS, instead of the regular 121 FPS that it regularly stays at. 

I've tried re-downloading the game, changing the game's input files, (which doesn't show anything about controller inputs) and I've tried removing the mods in the "mods" folder to see if that changes anything. 

Nothing worked.

Please let me know, anyone, how to fix this issue. I play this game a lot and I really need to know how to fix this bug.

(1 edit) (+1)

Try deleting Funkin1.sol from AppData/Roaming/FunkinCrew. This'll reset all your save/config data.

good game yall

play it

(sorry for the bad english, i speak spanish) ummm, the game is muted, how can i solve it?


puedes usar los - y + botones para subir y bajar el volumen


You can talk Spanish OK, presiona el botón cero de tu teclado lo pondrás poner al máximo el volumen y si quieres nose para que mutearlo si le das otra vez, espero que te haya ayudado :D

left right left right up down up down on title screen

(1 edit)

Suggestion: Add more categories to the turn on/off settings and add a debug section that can contain stuff that is useful to modders, engine makers, and charters. One useless but cool thing I would do is make a check box to have the "Test" song available through Freeplay when the checkbox in the debug section is on, and have the Test song use the old placeholder test stage as the BG. 

Love y'all, devs! Keep up the work! 


does the mac version just have missing folders and crash after a song or it just something on my end

On my mac it's  just crashes when ı launch the game,I think all of the versions has bugs.

you probably saved it somewhere where it doesnt have permissions to make folders or edit files. move the folder with all the files somewhere else and that should fix it


how tf do i download the weekend 1 update?

im p sure its only on ng right now


it should simply download from the download



I was playing the game and trying to get my controller to work with it, and then that null object reference thing happened. Every time I've tried open or redownload and open the game since, it's stopped responding as soon as it loads. I've tried freeing up space, deleting previous downloads, and updating my drivers but nothing works. I've also tried things that supposedly eliminate the null object reference error, even though it only showed me that once.  Anyone know how to fix it? 

(1 edit)

Try going into AppData/Roaming/FunkinCrew and deleting the file there. You likely did something to your keybindings the game didn't like and this will remove your save/config data for a complete reset.

Thanks! That is probably what happened, 'cause the controller was acting weird and I accidentally changed the controls to some weird shit.

hello zidebo


When i download it for the first time it was good, but now when im pressing arrows the game runs at 40 fps and when im not pressing arrows it goes up to 100 but the first day that i download it it was going at 180 perfectly without any trouble, and i have a very good pc so pls help

I would like to report an error and I want to enter the game and it crashes, please fix it

idk why but the new week-end runs at 8 fps for me and it's basicly unplayable :/


the rain could be a problem so could be the backround(mabey)


Game closes itself when I try to open it it on mac. :

same problem


this reminds me of cory in the house for the ds

lol i did nene vs tankman IT DIDNT CRASH 

goated bro

Man this game is just so dam good, i dont even  know why i havent played it for the past couple years, super good game...

always loved FNF, still makin FNF videos on my YT channel.. well.. i usually only play the roblox version bc when i try uploading a video with the ACTUAL game itself, no volume even though i had volume on while making it ;-


make sure on your recording program that the desktop volume is not muted. that's most likely the problem.

(1 edit) (+1)

the problem is most likely your recording software, not the game itself. if you're using OBS, maybe make sure that the bar isn't at the lowest or that the audio icon isn't red with an X. I don't use streamlabs when recording, so I don't know how I would fix that. Probably the same thing though.

theres one problem with the merch, for where i live the shipping is SO much. the 3 pack sticker set IS 40 DOLLARS FOR ME. this isnt a joke.. its actually stupid how much it costs.


I'm guessing you live outside the US & Canada, so shipping prices would be terrible, due to them shipping from INSIDE the US. If you are in the US, uh... i guess send needlejuicerecords an email? it's at the bottom of their website, they could do something about it, not likely but it's worth a shot. that's about as much as i can say.


Do Not Buy


thats all? thats all they did? in 3 years? this is everything? dissapointment


No, they did a whole lot more. In Phantom arcades recent stream, he said that they were 60% complete with the full ass game. They also said that they are releasing things they have done over the 3 years in small consistent updates. There called pit stops.

pits 🤤🤤🤤

There's currently a bug in the Windows Version. Which when you try to do story mode on the new WeekEnd 1 Week, the second song crashes the game. So if y'all want to play, i recommend using Microsoft Edge to play.

Cuz Google Chrome is laggy as heck

what version do you have? make sure it's 0.3.2


i dont get why people hate this game its such a W

(1 edit) (+1)

i love getting less points for doing better 💀
edit: score per note depends way more on frame timing than i thought, thank you pirachou for testingFC 1 (Fresh Erect NM)

pls give us ghost tap counter i beg

After testing a little bit, I think that the reason why you got less points for "doing better" is because a getting sick!! note doesn't mean you got all the points.

Basically, the max amount of points you can get on a note is 500, which is a (frame perfect?) sick!!.
But you can also get a sick!! note, and only gain 413 points (that's the lowest score I got for a sick!!, the lowest is probably 401 i'd say), or even 499.

This is I think what happened, you just got more "bad" sick!! notes on the "better" run.

You can try to see this for yourself by playing the very first part of Satin Panties on easy mode.
If you get less than 2500 points with 5 sick!! notes, then you actually weren't truly perfect.

(1 edit) (+1)

ohhh gotcha, points are on a gradient instead of a flat value. that's really weird but it makes a lot more sense now. thanks a bunch!

at first i just figured it must have been ghost taps or something, but those just take away 10 points, they don't affect combo or count as a miss, and there's no way i did it that many times.

you're welcome!
(I also managed to get the exact same perfomance as in your first image. The score is different, and not by a multiple of 10, so that really settles it.)


me silently laughing at bros fps:


holy @#@# that is good

the worst possible sick! would give 350 points (source: official tweet)

you can add it using a v-slice port

(1 edit)

On windows, every time I try to lauch the game there's just a black screen 

me too

it's a common bug apparently, the game doesn't respond and it takes about 2 minutes for it to load. but even then, the frames will drop down to about 55 fp during gameplay.

On Linux, the Windows build works but never stops minimizing itself in the taskbar. Please update the Linux build for those who use Linux.
OS : Linux Mint 21.3

There's a problem, friday night funkin isn't accepting very long songs, I put on one of my songs and it simply crashed and then I tried to replace the song ugh with mine and the chart editor box just disappeared and I couldn't put any more notes
<img src="">




Could someone help me, the game just crashes completely when I try to start it

Deleted 132 days ago

wasnt ghost tapping a psych engine and kade engine thing

when was it ever in vanilla

Deleted 132 days ago

it wasn't, there was never ghost tapping lmao
i think you have mandela effect

?? when was it ever in the vanilla game

it wasn't removed. in the previous update you would still take damage for ghost taps, but no combo penalty. i think the last update just added the score penalty to it.

that was the engines not the offical game

ok WOW i worded that bad gimme a sec

i said "it wasn't removed" because it was never in the game in the first place, just modded engines. i'm just referring to them as 'ghost taps' in the newest version of the official game because i don't know what else to call them. the combo system got reworked in general, and missing... doesn't give you a miss or break your combo anymore. it just does damage and takes away 10 points.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

bro, the freeplay doesnt work

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