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here's a funny spookeez erect nightmare pfc

0.3.1 less go, well i had to redownload cuz itch doesn't update even if you do it manually


This is a different version of the same problem I had... but still try this:

I had this EXACT same issue just a few minutes ago, I have an AMD Radeon 560 smth, and my drivers were outdated. Update your graphics card drivers if they are outdated, otherwise, your graphics card is probably OLD. I hope this works :) I am sending this same thing to anyone else who has this problem, because I was DESPERATE for answers.

Oh thanks :)

Np, I hope this works for you :)

new mac update still crashes after the asset loading screen

i dont install the mac version (it gives me scary gate keeper messages, i dont trust it ):)

the fact that when people tell you how to install mac fnf they read the gate keeper messages but still run the game anyways, i just dont play the game if it gets a gatekeeper warning cause of that one time i tried to download parappa for mobile and it gave my phone a virus.

yea it happens for me too, idrk how to fix it but what kinda helped was the itch app kinda ??

the devs probably already know this, but im saying here just in case. in the web version, the long-note trail's textures arent loading. theyre just black boxes. only on the web verision, the build is fine

my audio aint workin fix yo game cammy wammy

press + on the numpad

figured this out after i posted thx tho


freaky night funkin

straight fire

This made my computer crash. 10/10 (not a joke, actually made my PC crash, still a 10/10 game tho)

they say they made the game better for optimization, but the game sometimes freezes for some reason every time pico shoots a can. i mean i sure they did optimize the game in some places, but its also worse in others

Mine froze during the cutscenes lolz

if someone wants to play with no bugs play with version 8 if u have it, its the most stable one yet from what i know

(1 edit)

blazin crash in this version

it dont wdym

can't get into the freeplay menu without instant crashing

If it is due to a shader error:

I had this EXACT same issue just a few minutes ago, I have an AMD Radeon 560 smth, and my drivers were outdated. Update your graphics card drivers if they are outdated, otherwise, your graphics card is probably OLD. I hope this works :) I am sending this same thing to anyone else who has this problem, because I was DESPERATE for answers.

Listen. I love fnf. I love this new update. I do not love it enough to go through all the trouble and confusion and maybe tears that comes with updating my graphics driver or otherwise replacing my graphics card to play fnf.

fix nene soundbox not play animation

fix crashing issues

you on the latest version?

if anything I feel like this really encourages them adding an auto-update function sometime down the line. also the version backpedaled to 0.3.1 what the

also theres a bug that nene soundbox do not play animtion


it only works on newgrounds and is not really an important thing anyways so i doubt they fix it


Eh, it's not a good look to have broken stuff in your big hyped-up demo. They've got to fix it eventually anyhow.


betting the programmer(s) are running on no sleep right now as they try to figure out what the hell is going on, pray for them :(


ye i feel bad for them, but im also thankful that theyre willing to devote so much time and effort to the community

my game don't load songs that is not from the new week helpp, i want play erect songs

play version 8


dreaming about the linux version





pls fix abot system animationnnnnnnnnnn

pls seee this

why in the web version the animation works and in the normal no?








downloading by the 3 time is so (not) good

real, i was checking to see if fixed a bug

guys version 10 not 9 now

only mac is version 9



To fix the scroll speed being weird bug, just restart every song at the start


idk what you guys did but the scroll speed is insanely slow now for no reason


just found out it gets fixed if you restart the song, but still 

i can confirm, this works for me

why is the scroll speed so slow now? like, painfully slow


Restart the songs to fix the scroll speed

is there a mobile version for the game yet?

i dont think there ever will be an official version for mobile

nah, they said in the kickstarter there will be a mobile build, as the goal for a mobile build was reached

the game literally just came out. they're going to optimize it for pc first. its littered with bugs, freeplay doesn't even  work on some computers. mobile user are gonna have to wait


my approach rate :(

(1 edit) (+1)

Now the game works, but still the bar thing on the music box and the scroll speed is so slow now, lmao.

the scroll speed is painfully slow, id just prefer not to play it if its always gonna be this slow

the game is good, but a few things weren't working, so I played it in the browser, and it works


(1 edit) (+2)

how fix dis' can play fnf to be start 

Try this... it isn't the same freeplay problem I had, but it should work, considering it mentions drivers:

I had this EXACT same issue just a few minutes ago, I have an AMD Radeon 560 smth, and my drivers were outdated. Update your graphics card drivers if they are outdated, otherwise, your graphics card is probably OLD. I hope this works :) I am sending this same thing to anyone else who has this problem, because I was DESPERATE for answers.

Bad Update. No seggs. Jk, I had a blast revisiting this game and getting to play the new week. Roses Erect is a total banger



Press 0 and +

(1 edit)

on windows 64 bit version its soundless to me

The audio is muted by default. press 0 and/or + to bring it back up.

for me freeplay works fine idk what yall are talking about

do you have an amd 

i have an amd and it works perfectly

If yours is crashing due to shader errors:

I had this EXACT same issue just a few minutes ago, I have an AMD Radeon 560 smth, and my drivers were outdated. Update your graphics card drivers if they are outdated, otherwise, your graphics card is probably OLD. I hope this works :) I am sending this same thing to anyone else who has this problem, because I was DESPERATE for answers.

If anyone is getting null error or free play dont work, is becaus your pc is 32 bits or dont have a recent card

(5 edits)

why do i always get error as soon as i get in freeplay please fix this about error compiling fragment shader then the game kicks me out of the game when i get in freeplay and error comes and kicks me out so please fix this i can only play on story mode but i wanna play on erect songs on windows 64 bits :(

maybe the problem's your PC?

Very good, gives a very good vibe!!! Push Play!


please add an option to change the colors of the arrows. the left and right are so hard to see in darnells last song, i have to go off of reaction time and muscle memory alone. adding this option would help a lot ^^

Check out all of the Cool Cutscenes

I got hit by the spray can than pressed R while I was still in the hurt animation on 2hot. Now I'm stuck in the game over void with no music, locked on the pico hurt frame. Lmao.

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