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help me. My game has no sound. all is enabled. in psych engine it works but in this game it isnt. HELP


(1 edit)

try pressing + the game is muted by default

Played Week 3 and Week 4 and it's some of the most fun I've had in a long time with this game! Doing a series on my channel, an absolute blast of a time! Can't wait for more!

How to play this on Xbox One/Series X/S? (U can’t download it yet, but can you use Microsoft Edge on your browser and play the game from there? (Press View and select “Use game controls”))

(1 edit)

maybe on NG (NEWGROUNDS) too?


What's a ninjamuffin? -Robert Nicholas Cristian Tapola (aka RobTop Games)



I finished weekend 1, but when Blazin' starts, it just crashes and shows an error something about a null object i dont exactly remember

all my hard work and SWEAT AND TEARS for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! /hj

I can't start the game for some reason. I'm mobile btw

the game is simply unplayable on mobile, i'd try one of the shitty mobile ports if you REALLY wanna play


why the fuck are you trying to run fnf on MOBILE

Idk bc why not

ok a mobile build is planned but that's for the full ass game lol

tengo un pekeño problema con el juego y es que no se escucha el sonido

Pulsa la tecla + dentro del juego para subir el volumen

Deleted 99 days ago
(1 edit)
No Bro

Yes Girl

no way :O

(2 edits)

fnf bug report 2!!!

1. this is wrong (happens with hard difficulty dadbattle too)

2. i died on 2hot and this happened

whatever this error is, it's related to a supposedly null object that darkens the stage props i think, as you can see from the ".darkenStageProps()#29". the game crashes from "zIndex" being an invalid field/method. clicking literally anywhere during this screen results in the game window minimizing, requiring task manager to close. this has been reported 2 happen in blazin' too so idk

and 'twas the one that ended in thy conclusion of thee

this is why you don't try the hardest song in the game with no experience

(yes used practice mode cus i suck and i am a cheaty cheater muahaha)

is a good game


what's the  matter boy? you don't support gay right

Deleted 93 days ago

i found a issue, while im playing the week end 1 in the cinematic part between 2hot and blazzin´ the game crash

(1 edit)

best game ever,finally we got an ass reveal for the boyfriend in the perfect result screen when he jumps to bed

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Anyone else discovered that getting all sicks in a song gives you a  golden perfect rank? I wanna see someone catch them all


L game


Some things are just meant to keep to yourself




I love it but I literally can't take the 100% animation they look like children



(1 edit) (+1)

NO! THEY LOOK COOL(espacialy pico looks as short as always from pico school)@McCrongels

Deleted 73 days ago

yep cuz bf is 7 FEET TALL


can someone tell me were do i donload the full ass game pls ):

it aint out

The full game isnt out yet! It probably won't be out for awhile. Plus it'll cost money. But until then theres always different mods you can check out if you bored of the original weeks:D

they said its gonna be for money for people who really likes the game and want to support it, as they also said it will always be open source

they also said (at least dave did) that they dont care if people get the game for free

oo alr, thx for the info! Didn't know that lol

(1 edit)

the full game didnt come yet @al3ks4eTo

can't downlod gaem yet

week 5 and end sprite problem

no darnell


When you die in certain parts of some of songs, such as when a special animation or pose plays, it will stay if you get blue balled right as it happens. Found it on Week 1, Week 2, and Weekend 1.


fun fact u can click r to die

I know, I did that on the last 2.


pluh !!

if you get a p rank, it isnt displayed if you got an E rank before with a higher score. the p rank is only displayed if the score you got is a highscore.

Ta bueno

bro unsnorted the crack and got back to work

Hello! I downloaded the game and everytime i play weekend one, the game crashed when I finally get to the fourth song, + the weekend one doesn't appear in the freeplay. Those are just problems in the newest download. The version is *mwah* perfection. Lots of love! <3

Weekend 1 songs not showing in Freeplay is probably intentional since they'll show up once you beat it.



твоя игра говно

супер говно

это не его игра, это игра ninjamuffin99 и Phantom Arcade, в названии даже указано даун

sick game

There's a bug where the final weekend song assets are null and crash the game when trying to load

the display does not work for me 24/7

i like your game bro

Cuando descarga el juego no se escucha

presiona el 0 (cero) del numpad (es para quitar y poner el volumen del juego)

I heard a lot people say that they just took the money, but I'm so happy that they just needed some more time

They didn't take the money and run, that's neat

What should I do if I reset all settings and now I can’t do anything in the game?

use controller to rebind your keys and then youre all good

would it be funny if this was a forum again xd

hell yeah

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